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Rethinking our consumption choices is only one way we can help address climate issues.

Finding an organization to actively support can also move the needle for general transformation.

Below are key organizations that we support at Pour Les Jeunes.



Earthworks is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting communities and the environment from the adverse impacts of mineral and energy development while promoting sustainable solutions.Earthworks stands for clean air, water and land, healthy communities, and corporate accountability. We work for solutions that protect both the Earth’s resources and our communities.

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Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth strives for a more healthy and just world. We understand that the challenges facing our planet call for more than half measures, so we push for the reforms that are needed, not merely the ones that are politically easy. Sometimes, this involves speaking uncomfortable truths to power and demanding more than people think is possible. It’s hard work. But the pressures facing our planet and its people are too important for us to compromise.

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Big Greenpeace

We want to live on a healthy, peaceful planet. A planet where forests flourish, oceans are full of life and where once-threatened animals safely roam.Where our quality of life is measured in relationships, not things. Where our food is delicious, nutritious, and grown with love. Where the air we breathe is fresh and clear. Where our energy is as clean as a mountain stream. Where everyone has the security, dignity and joy we all deserve. It’s all possible. We can’t make it happen alone, but have no doubt: We can do it together.

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Defense Fund

We see climate change everywhere — in stronger storms, drier droughts and more acidic oceans. We also see solutions everywhere — in the way we make electricity, fertilize crops or move cargo. With sophisticated scientific tools and a deep knowledge of what makes the economy work, we’re building lasting ways to stabilize the climate and protect communities hit the hardest.

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Green Cross International

The mission of Green Cross International is to respond to the combined challenges of security, poverty and environmental degradation to ensure a sustainable and secure future. We seek solutions through dialogue, mediation and co-operation.

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Natural Resources Defense Council

NRDC works to safeguard the earth—its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends. We combine the power of more than three million members and online activists with the expertise of some 700 scientists, lawyers, and policy advocates across the globe to ensure the rights of all people to the air, the water, and the wild. 

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Parley for the Oceans

Parley for the Oceans addresses major threats towards our oceans. Artists, musicians, actors, filmmakers, fashion designers, journalists, architects, product inventors, and scientists have the tools to mold the reality we live in and to develop alternative business models and ecologically sensible products to give us earthlings an alternative choice, an everyday option to change something.

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Sierra Club

Today, there are serious challenges ahead: a warming climate, unprecedented levels of pollution, and powerful special interests undermining basic protections. There’s no time to waste in coming together for new solutions—which is why the Sierra Club is bringing people together to build the most powerful and effective environmental movement the world has ever seen.

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Pure Earth

Pure Earth is an international non-profit organization dedicated to solving pollution problems in low- and middle-income countries, where human health is at risk. Since its inception in 1999, Pure Earth has completed more than 120 projects in 27 countries. Pure Earth works closely with national stakeholders from communities, industry and governments, and coordinates with key organizations such as the World Bank and United Nations Industrial Development Organization.

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1% For The Plant

It all started when two businessmen met and bonded over their shared love for the outdoors. Realizing their responsibility to protect our planet, they decided to give 1% of their sales back to the environment—whether or not they were profitable. In 2002, Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, and Craig Mathews, founder of Blue Ribbon Flies, created 1% for the Planet and started a global movement.

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